Killulagh, Delvin

Westmeath, N91 ER2Y

087 162 6963

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Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 16:00

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- About Us -

Our Methods

Our Methods

We follow closely the montessori methods created by Maria Montessori. We let the children guide us. We observe first, find out their interests and let the child investigate those interests. Montessori believed there are genetically programmed blocks of time when a child is particularly ready or eager to accomplish a particular task. Children are driven by an inner impulse to independently master certain experiences. The goal of education is to assist this process.

Our methods work towards this end. Aware of these sensitive periods in a child’s development, we provide the right tools and prepared environment at the right time, and allow your child to unfold their potential in a natural and joyful way.

Children have freedom of choice to follow their interests, and freedom of movement to move around and explore. Maria Montessori stated “without movement there is no cognition.” Children learn through experience and doing. Following further on the principles of Montessori we support the child to work in a collaborative way, our mixed age groups learn from one another. We encourage self-motivation so that the children work for the enjoyment of the process itself. We encourage creativity that is linked to reality, with creative tasks linked to specific skills. We encourage a love of nature and we scaffold learning in context. We have ample facilities to accomplish all this.


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